Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Semester Diploma May 2016 Paper

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2016 Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                              15×1=15

       I. The frequency range for optical fiber communication extends from…………………
      II. In optical fiber communication, repeaters are required at a distance of……………..
     III. One micron = of an inch.
     IV. The attenuation losses are measured in terms of…………………
     V. Mie scattering losses always occur in direction.
    VI. An optical light detector converts ……………….signal into signal.
    VII. The term LASER stands for…………………
    VIII. The optical light detector is a part of …………………section. i) SOA stands for…………………
     IX. EDFA stands for…………………


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What do you mean by optical fiber communication?
  2. Give the basic construction detail of an optical fiber cable.
  3. What do you mean by an optical light source? How many types of optical light source are there.
  4. Explain in brief about: 1. PIN diode 2. APD
  5. What is the operational difference between LED and LASER?
  6. Explain the basic operation of optical amplifier.
  7. Explain the basic principle of RAMAN amplifier?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=3

  1.  Explain in detail the various applications of optical fiber communication.             
  2. Explain scattering losses in detail. How many types of scattering losses are there? How we can reduce scattering losses?
  3. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of transmitter & receiver used in optical fiber communication.
  4. What is SOA? Explain its advantages, disadvantages and applications.

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2017 Paper

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2015 Paper

The frequency range for optical fiber communication extends from __________

The frequency range for optical fiber communication extends from …………………      

In optical fiber communication, repeaters are required at a distance of __________

In optical fiber communication, repeaters are required at a distance of……………..     

One micron = _____ of an inch.

One micron = _____ of an inch.     

The attenuation losses are measured in terms of _______

The attenuation losses are measured in terms of…………………     

Mie scattering losses always occur in direction.

Mie scattering losses always occur in direction.

An optical light detector converts ……………….signal into signal.

An optical light detector converts ……………….signal into signal.    

The term LASER stands for __________

The term LASER stands for ………………    

The optical light detector is a part of …………………section. i) SOA stands for ____

The optical light detector is a part of ………………section. i) SOA stands for …………

EDFA stands for ____________

EDFA stands for ______

Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2015 Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2016 Paper

What do you mean by optical fiber communication?

Optical fiber communication

Give the basic construction detail of an optical fiber cable.

Basic construction detail of an optical fiber cable.

What do you mean by an optical light source? How many types of optical light source are there.

optical light source

Types of optical light source 

Explain in brief about: 1. PIN diode 2. APD

 1. PIN diode

2. APD

What is the operational difference between LED and LASER?

Difference between LED and LASER

Explain the basic operation of optical amplifier.

Basic operation of optical amplifier.

Explain the basic principle of RAMAN amplifier?

Principle of RAMAN amplifier

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Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2016 Paper

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Section c :-Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2016 Paper

 Explain in detail the various applications of optical fiber communication. 

Various applications of optical fiber communication.   

Explain scattering losses in detail. How many types of scattering losses are there? How we can reduce scattering losses?

scattering losses 

Types of scattering losses 

Reduce scattering losses?

Draw and explain the functional block diagram of transmitter & receiver used in optical fiber communication.

Block diagram of optical fiber communication transmitter & receiver

What is SOA? Explain its advantages, disadvantages and applications.

SOA Amplifier

Advantages, disadvantages and applications of SOA Amplifier

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